Wednesday, 10 October 2012

A response to an insult

Dear Miss Cotton,
I'd quite forgotten,
How rotten
you'd gotten.

You wrote me a poem,
While in my home:
Apparently, the insult dome.
Still... when in Rome...

I'll return the favour,
Commenting on your poor behaviour.
To be your saviour,
Before this gets graver.

You really must stop,
With the insults that pop
from your mouth. So chop
and swap
your words. All the way from the very top.

Don't comment on how I'm bald,
Instead, say you're enthralled,
By the poems I have scrawled
And posted on my blog; fully installed.

For you!

Be nice.
Think twice,
Before rolling the dice
When choosing your words...

This has gone on too long.

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